God Ways

Multiples, NOT percentages!

Multiples, NOT percentages!

Guess what?  The money you earn in your Lifetime will be a finite amount, regardless of the amount.  To state it another way:  You’ll earn “x” and no more…then you pass on into Eternity.  So why not MAXIMIZE the amount you earn ON the amount you earn?  Here’s how.

First, it’s VITALLY IMPORTANT to realize there are two ways to earn money AFTER you’ve earned money:  One stupid way, one Smart Way.

We’ll talk about the stupid way first.  Stay with me…this is simply good.  So I earn $100 in my Lifetime.  I take my $100 and invest it in the stock market (a common investing pathway for financial geniuses to recommend to you; and this applies equally to ALL financial instruments humans have to offer), and I’ll average – year-over-year – about 8% ROI (Return On Investment):  That equates to $100 x .08 [8%] = $8.  So now I have $108 after one year —> I only think…but that’s stupid thinking:  What happens to my $8 and even my $108 when the stock market crashes:  Ohhh you lost it ALL?  Tough luck mannn; sorry to hear that; boy I hope I don’t make a stupid mistake like that!  (You can just hear the snide comments lasting years…)

But just to finish our stupid way illustration while still keeping it simple:  Let’s say you earn $8 every year for five years:  $8 x 5 (years) = $40…uh, ummm…okay great!  Now you can retire!  Okay, you and I BOTH KNOW that’s stupid, but it’s the only method humans know:  To pay percentages to investors like you and me (for our example here).

So now let’s look at the Smart Way, the Way God Set it all up; this is one of the God Ways and why you’re here right now. 

God Ways are established in recognizable patterns, right within the Creation itself.  The God Way here is to look at farming and growing.  I plant 1 (one) corn seed and when it grows, I no longer have 1 corn seed!  I have 30 or 60 or 100 corn seeds, just from that one seed.  YOUR SEED IS THE GIFT YOU GIVE, IN RETURN FOR WHICH GOD INCREASES IT BACK TO YOU!  This is the God Ways Principle of return on your investment:  God’s Way ROI!

So let’s apply that Principle to our $100 example.  I earn the $100 in my Lifetime and invest it where and when into what and with whom God Tells me to invest it and, in return for following instructions, God Promises the Principle WILL work – every time GUARANTEED by Godself!  Astonishing!!  And sometimes it returns to you the very next day (miraculous!), or in whatever amount of time it takes that particular seed to grow…God Knows when to Pay, how much to Pay and GUARANTEES that it will be certain.  KNOW THIS:  God is ALWAYS on time.

So when we give a Gift, we now have:  $100 x 30 (multiple, not percentage) = $3,000 OR $100 x 60 = $6,000 OR $100 x 100 = $10,000.  Astonishing!!!  This is how Godself rePays investors like you and me when we give Gifts God Ways.

So let’s recap:

You can invest your money in human programs that repay you in percentages (provided nothing happens along the year to blow it up) OR you can invest in God Ways and be rePaid GUARANTEED by Godself.

One year tying up your $100 = $8 (using the human way)  OR

Unknown time releasing your money back to Godself = $3,000 or $6,000 or $10,000 (just long enough for the crop to grow, but no longer)

Either way:  It’s the same $100

BUT WAIT:  Remember the example spanned over 5 years…

So stupid way paid $40 for the WHOLE 5 YEARS; meanwhile…

Smart Way I’ve been paid (perhaps in ONLY 5 MONTHS!) $3,000 x 5 years = $15,000 -OR- $30,000 -OR- $50,000.

$40 in five years (direct comparison) to $30,000 (God’s Choice for me on this one $100 Gift and it might only have taken 2 months) 

Your choice, of course, but I choose to invest my money the Smart Way by giving Gifts – and EVERY time God rePays me, as Promised by Principle and by Word.

You can read more on how to KNOW where and when and to whom  and how much God Wants you to Give (and this discovery may surprise you!).  Click here to start your New Path Forever:   To Whom Should I Give?